
Mayor's Office

Municipal Council
In regular Council meetings, the population is represented by elected councillors, who make decisions regarding orientations and priorities of municipal concerns, they also manage municipal affairs.
The Council is concerned with the quality of life of the community. Only during these regular Council meetings can the municipal Council make their decisions, always in the best interest of the citizens they represent, by means of by-laws or resolutions. Exclusive of the mayor exercising his emergency power, the members of Council cannot, individually or outside Council meetings, make any decisions on behalf of the municipality.
Members of Council (Election 2021)
- Denis Thomas
- Pierre Bisaillon
- Marc Chalifoux
- Gabrielle Ménard-Audet
- Sébastien Yelle
- Michèle Soucy
- Sylvain Hamel
Municipal organisation
- Magali Filocco, ext. 2330
- City Manager, secretary-treasurer, crisis coordinator
- Gilles Bastien, ext. 2351
- Fire safety officer
- Stephane St-Martin, ext. 2310
- Municipal and road network inspectors, person in charge of issuing zoning certificate and permits
- Chantal Surprenant, ext. 2301
- Administrative Secretary
- Marc Chalifoux jr, ext. 2302
- Assisting treasurer
- Marion Côté, ext. 2303
- Leisure service
The Budget
The municipal Council's main objective is to make sure that the community's needs are fulfilled.
The nature of questions addressed to a municipal Council may vary from place to place, but all municipal Council must adopt a budget and insure their municipality's financial integrity. The Council must reserve the right and assume responsibilities conferred by major laws such as; the Municipal Code of Québec, as well as parallel laws; An Act respecting Municipal Taxation and Land Use Planning and Development Act.
This allows the Council to opt for positions regarding various aspects concerning the community's quality of life such as; economic development, zoning, water purification, community development, recreational or cultural, etc.
With this outlook and in the perspective of maximizing this administration's transparency, the Council considers that it is important that all citizens are aware of the content of the budget voted annually.
2011 Financial report (french version)
Budget 2010, short version
Budget 2010, complete version (available upon request)
- Budget 2009, short version
[12 Ko]
- Budget 2009, complete version (available upon request)