
By-laws and policies
The Municipality is responsible for regulating everything regarding the respect of the neighbourhood, maintaining peace and safety, as well as operating efficiently its' infrastructures.
In this regard, if you plan to undertake work on your house or property
or have any questions about the following activities, please check with the municipality:
Installing an alarm system. Mandatory permit.
Peddling and solliciting.
Parking and traffic. Comply with the automotive vehicle safety code.
Pets. Licence mandatory for dogs.
Outdoor use of water.
Public peace.
Management of sewer system. M,andatory permit for hook-up.
Municipal council members' salary.
Open air fires. Permit mandatory.
A fine will be issued to anyone neglecting to acquire a mandatory permit.
It is important that you consult with the municipality.
BY-LAWS (french version)
Règlement # 354-2016 modifiant le règlement # 305-2012 relatif au code d'éthique et de déontologie des employés municipaux
Règlement # 353-2016 modifiant le règlement # 323-2014 adoptant un code révisé d'éthique et de déontologie
Règlement # 297-2011 adoptant un code d'étique et de déontologie des élus municipaux (french version)
Règlement # 301-2012 portant sur l'exigibilité des versements échus
des taxes municipales (french version)
Contract management policy (french version)