

Dog and cat license
The municipality of Saint-Paul-de-l'Île-aux-Noix gives dogs and cats identity licenses (valid for life) according to reglementation #166-99 (RM-410) in force.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Don't cook your dog!
Dogs die every summer even the window down, in minutes cars turn into coffins!
Animals should always have access to fresh water and a shaded area.
Animal Services
an animal (dog or cat) is found, please contact City Hall at 450
291-3166. If you find an animal on the week-end and are unable to keep
it till the Monday, you may contact the Sûreté du Québec in Lacolle at
450 246-3856.
If you have lost your animal, we ask you to inform City Hall.
Owning a pet is a lifelong commitment
Pet overpopulation is a serious problem in the Province of Québec. Unfortunately, Saint-Paul-de-l'Île-aux-Noix faces the same issue.
In order to avoid aggravating this phenomenon and ideally, decrease it, there are a few things that can be done and they all are the responsibility of the pet's owners.
Did you know...
- Every year in Québec, hundreds of thousands of pets, most of them dogs and cats, are abandoned by their owners. We have one of the highest rates of abandoned pets in North America. Because it is impossible to find forever homes for these animals, 80 % of them are euthanized.
- Between June 1st and the second week of July, the number of pets that are abandoned doubles due to the moving period.
- Every year, the number of abandoned cats and dogs increases.
- It il estimated that there are one million stray cats in Québec.
- Almost half of Quebeckers that own a pet will keep it less than two years on average, even though the longevity of cats and dogs is about 12 years.
In Saint-Paul-de-l'Île-aux-Noix...
In 2011, 30 pets (dogs and cats) were surrendered to A.M.R. Animal Services. These animals were either abandoned by their owners or found as strays on our territory. 80 % of those animals (24) had to be put down (including all the cats that were picked up) because A.M.R. was unable to find them a home. 3 of them were reunited with their owners and 3 were transferred to other rescue organizations for adoption.
A few measures to consider
Buying of adopting a pet is a serious matter
The process of adopting a pet cannot be done on the spur of a moment, it is a commitment that entails responsibilities and deserves consideration. They are living creatures that require a lot of attention and will generate expenses such as veterinarian fees, good quality food, toys, grooming articles, etc. You should evaluate the cost of owning an animal before getting your pet! Dogs and cats also need people to spend time with them. To misestimate what is involved in owning a pet often leads to abandonment or euthanasia.
If your wish is to have a pure bred animal, it is highly recommended to get it from a reputable registered breeder and not from a pet store. Most pets found in pet stores come from puppy mills and kitten mills. Don't be part of the problem. By choosing an ethical breeder, you will save the puppy mill breeding dogs from a miserable life of suffering and you will avoid health and temperament problems associated with pets bred in puppy mills and kitten mills. Furthermore, you do not pay more for a dog from a reputable breeder than if you buy it from a pet store and you will get a health guarantee and reliable advices from a conscientious breeder.
Before buying a pet, why not opt to adopt one from a rescue organization. There are hundreds of cats and dogs waiting for a forever home in those rescue organizations. Rescue animals are not "problem dogs and cats", they are not bad animals, this it a misconception. They are just pets that have been abandoned, often because not enough thought went into the implications of owning one. By visiting the Petfinder website www.petfinder.com, you will find the list of all rescue organizations close to your home and the list of available pets. Open your heart and your home to these animals that deserve a second chance.
Sterilization does not only make sense, it is the solution
It is strongly recommended to have your pets spayed or neutered, especially if it is allowed outside without supervision. One of the main reasons of overpopulation is uncontrolled breeding. Did you know that an uneutered cat can produce over 20 000 kittens in only four years?
The solution to overpopulation in cats and dogs is, without a doubt, sterilization and this is the owner's responsibility. You can have your animal sterilized as of 6 months of age. Don't wait, you will avoid many problems and you will be part of the solution.
Don't offer a pet as a gift
When you buy or adopt a pet, you become responsible for the animal. It is not recommended to offer a cat or a dog as a gift because if it is not desired, it may well end up at a shelter or euthanized because its new family will get tired of it for the simple reason that it was not their choice to get a pet.
Fence your lot
Keeping your pets in your fenced yard is another way to control unwanted litters. But let's not forget that sterilization is the solution everyone should choose.
To conclude, buying of adopting a pet cannot be done without serious consideration. If you do decide to adopt or buy a pet, be responsible and have your pet spayed or neutered.