
Public Safety
Fire department

The Fire safety director of Saint-Paul-de-l'Île-aux-Noix manages his fire service in accordance to the fire safety cover plan issued by the Minister of Public Security.
The Fire safety director must:
- Sustain an adequate and professional service
- Carry out fire safety inspections of all residences and businesses
- Position response plans for every business and public building
By agreement, the Saint-Paul-de-l'Île-aux-Noix fire department also provides services on
the territories of both municipalities of Saint-Valentin and Saint-Blaise-sur-Richelieu, covering a total of 138 km2.
According to the article 13 of the Regulation 425 of Regulation of prevention regarding fire safety, of the regional county Municipality of Haut-Richelieu (RCM), it is stipulated:
" Any civic number on whatever building must be visible from the street ".
visible civic number is essential for your own safety, but also to
facilitate the search for the Sûreté du Québec, the firefighters, the
ambulances, in brief, during emergencies.
Be visible!
Residential Prevention
The MRC du Haut-Richelieu's « Schéma de risques » management foresees the insepction of every residence by a preventionist once within every five years.
The principal reasons for these visits are the following:
- Assure the proper installation and functioning of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors;
- Verify the type of heating appliances in use and installation of propane gas.
To this effect, kindly click on the underlying images to access further information on smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
Police force
The Sûreté du Québec contributes throughout the territory of Québec, to maintaining peace and public order, preserving life, safety and fundamental human rights and protecting property. The Sûreté du Québec also supports the police community, coordinates major police operations, contributes to the integrity of governmental institutions and ensures the safety of transport networks under Québec jurisdiction.
The Sûreté du Québec jurisdiction is divided in ten districts that are then parted in RCMs'. Saint-Paul-de-l'Île-aux-Noix is part of district 10 (Montérégie, Haut-Richelieu RCM), so the Lacolle police station is responsible for our local law enforcement and public safety.
For more information on the mission and services provided by the Sûreté du Québec,visit the following website: www.suretequebec.gouv.qc.ca.
Civil protection
The Direction de la sécurité civile, as part of the Minister of Public Security (MPS) seeks to reduce the vulnerability of Quebecers to the risks associated with crime and disasters.
The Direction de la sécurité civile, as part of the Minister of Public Security (MPS) seeks to reduce the vulnerability of Quebecers to the risks associated with crime and disasters.
Although major disasters are scarce in Québec, the municipality wants to raise awareness as to measures to be taken in case of disaster.
First you should get acquainted with measures applicable to cope with such events.
Visit the following website: www.msp.gouv.qc.ca/secivile.
In case of disaster, an emergency kit enabling 72 hours survival
The ministry of Quebec Public Security are asking citizens to have an emergency kit at home in order to assure essential needs for 72 hours while waiting for public assistance. If the situation requires, you could bring your kit with you.Basic Emergency kit
Keep your emergency kit in an easy-to-access location. Check its contents each year. Replace batteries and the water supply as needed.
Place the following items in a backpack, storage bin or large canvac bag:
- Drinking water - two litres per person per day, for at least three days;
- Non-perishable food - enough for at least three days;
- Hand can opener;
- Battery-operated radio - spare batteries;
- First aid kit - bandages, gauze sterile pads, scissors, tweezers, safety pins, antiseptic, pain medication;
- Personal care items - tooth brusches, towels, soap, toilet paper, plastic bags;
- Blankets;
- Cash and coins;
- A set of house and car keys;
- Whistle - to signal rescuers of your presence;
- Candles;
- Lighter and/or matches;
- Mutti-purpose pocket knife;
- Dust masks - to filter contaminated air;
- Important personal documents - Photocopies: I.D., home and automobile insurance policies, medication and eyelashes prescriptions, safety plan and emergency contact list.
- Particular needs or your family - medication, medical equipment, special food;
- Babies - infant formula, disposable diapers, baby bottles;
- Pets - food, medication, leach.
For more information, visit the following website: www.securitecivile.gouv.qc.ca.